Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Say NO When Your Boss Asks Too Much

How to Say ‘NO’ When Your Boss Asks Too Much Ever feel overworked?Business today is incredibly competitive, and many of us feel that turning down tasks and projects is tantamount to self-sabotage. But in fact, turning down a job or two from time to time can help you to assert yourself in the workplace, and to ensure that you complete your existing workload to a high level.You are more likely to sabotage your career by handing in work that you’ve had to rush, than by having the maturity to speak to your boss about your workload.evalWith reason and transparency, there’s no need to fear such an encounter. Your boss doesn’t want sub-standard work any more than you do â€" but they may not have a clear picture about how your daily schedule really looks.Make an effort to meet them in person to talk over their latest request, and explain reasonably the reasons why you think it is best delegated to someone else. If you have someone specific in mind, you can even mention them by name.This new infographic explores the politics of sa ying ‘no’ when you’re asked to do a task too many: have a look, and next time you’re faced with unfair expectations, consider turning it down â€" and earning new respect from your boss.Infographic Credit â€"

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